Unable To Create A Temporary File Oracle Reports
Posted By admin On 10/04/18REP-118: Unable to create a temporary file. Case 1: The environment variable that determines in what directory to create temporary files is set to an invalid directory. File Pdf Buku Usul Fiqih. Case 2: There is not enough free space on the disk to create the temporary file. Case 3: A temporary file that cannot be modified already exist In regedit under branch hkey_local_machine/software/oracle/ I have changed the variable REPORTS_TMP. Drivers Madrics Superbox 3 Pro there. I changed the value for this to c: reports_tmp or you can use something like this where you want Oracle reports to create temp files.
Hope this helps.
Unable to create temporary file. Create folder in same directory as your oracle-home call it temp. >oracle >home0 then search for reports_temp. Some times when you run Oracle Reports 6i from network. To Create Temporary File Error. You get the error REP-0118 Unable to create temporary file. ' Hi all, I am using Developer 2000 and Oracle 8i EE. When i run a report or open Report Builder or open Report Compiler. Unable to create a temporary file.
Almost the same problem i have found when execute query using form applet when i got this message FRM-41838: Unable to open temporary record buffer file%s. And then i got this message when i run report.