Hon Crash During Patch

Posted By admin On 26/12/17
Hon Crash During PatchHon Crash During Patch

I havent tried single player campaign with patch 7 yet but me and a friend really had difficulties when trying a new co-op campaign last night. He tried the same fight 5 times but it was always crashing when he was soooo close to victory. It was like the game was out of sync because before the fight was even finish, the game was 'pausing' for like 1 seconds then he was getting a Close Victory window, and on my side I was seeing a Close Defeat!! Then, the game crashed, or one of us was getting disconnected, and we had to re-do the whole thing. Nuest Good Bye. An hour and a half later we called it a night. I'm serene about these things, I mean, there is more important stuff than a game to be angry about but friend was raging lol.

Solutions for Crashing during Update HoN is. Revert it back to 'DirectX' when the patch is. Solutions for Crashing during Update HoN is. Revert it back to 'DirectX' when the patch is. For Heroes of Newerth on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'crash during update'. HoN crashing on update? - Heroes of Newerth Discussion. It was making hon crash for me while. 95 mode compatibility i have to use every hon patch;/ Quote.

We'll try again tonight. Originally posted by:He tried the same fight 5 times but it was always crashing when he was soooo close to victory. Qbasic Software For Windows 7 32 Bit. This is exactly what was happening to me in single player. I would fight almost the whole battle.

Every time I crashed when was the enemy army had already routed and I was mopping up the fleeing units. In 2 cases this crash occured when I selected a ranged unit and clicked an attack order. Not sure if that means anything at all but I thought I'd mention it. Thanks everyone else for suggestions. I have removed all mods, and still get the same crashes. I'm off to change some settings and see if I can get it running stable.

Again TY for the feedback.