Ham Radio Tower Installers

Posted By admin On 16/10/17

Tower & Antenna Inspection, Installation, Testing and Maintenance Services. Serving Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kentucky and Tennessee.

Ham Radio Tower Antenna

Written by Steve Morris, K7LXC After working on over 150 amateur radio tower and antenna systems over the last 15 years, I have seen many problems and failures that could have, and should have, been avoided. By avoiding making these mistakes, you can make your tower and antenna system safer and more reliable. It'll even let you sleep nights better when that big storm blows through. Not following the manufacturer's specifications Commercially manufactured towers have to comply with current standards for wind loading and structural integrity. Licensed Professional Engineers (PE's) design the towers and make the calculations to make them safe. If you don't follow their specs at a minimum, the tower will not take the stresses and loads that it is subject to.

In other words, it'll probably fail. One of the immutable laws of antenna and tower construction is the LXC Prime Directive - 'DO what the manufacturer says'. Die Sims 3 Origin Crack No Cd. Violation of this rule could be catastrophic. Tg Transformation Flash - Spiel here. The inverse of this law is DON'T DO what the manufacturer DOESN'T SAY. In other words, don't invent something that the manufacturer hasn't intended.