Excel Vba File From Hyperlink Icon

Posted By admin On 17/01/18
Excel Vba File From Hyperlink Icon

I am trying to use VBA to open hyperlinks from my excel using the. Open Hyperlinks Using VBA in Excel. Here as shown in the Excel file. Hyperlinks in Excel VBA - Examples to add, create and remove hyperlinks, opening files using hyperlinks and sending emails using hyperlinks in Excel VBA.

I found this solution for 'drop down list with hyperlink' but it did not work. Perhaps a better solution is to use a workaround that relies on the HYPERLINK function to refer to whatever is selected in the drop-down list. For instance, if you have your data validation drop-down list in cell A1, then you might put the following formula in cell B1: =HYPERLINK(A1, 'Goto Link') The solution directly above provides exactly what I am looking for in the field where I write the formula, but it fails to hyperlink. I have created a drop down list and linked each one of them to a specific worksheet.

When I select them individually they link to appropriate worksheet. But when I select them in the drop down list I receive the following error when I select the Hyperlink in cell B1 as directed above. 'Cannot open the specified file' Any thoughts? Dear Sirs, Am in need for this solution very badly and what could be a better place than excelforum!

I have an MS Excel File (2007 version) sample file attached, which has name, designation, blood group and so on. The last column is for hyperlinking photographs of individuals.

In the same folder where I have saved this excel file, are lying photographs of individuals. While scanning the photographs, I have saved them serially i.e.

1,2,3 and so on. In the Excel file, in last column, I have given the respective serial numbers. In order to hyperlink one has to select that particular Cell, press Ctrl K and you automatically go to the folder containing individual photographs, you select that photo and OK. Problem: I have to do this hyperlinking one by one and if there 1000 photos, lot of time is wasted. Solution Needed: Just in case of excel formula, which we copy and paste, Can I get a command by virtue of which the column titled Photo or column next to it gets automatically Hyperlinked to respective photo WHEN I copy and paste such command to all cells in that column. Thanks a million and warm regards::: Jack.

I have a spreadsheet with simple (addition/subtraction) formulas. The file is quite large and the formulas are too.

All of a sudden, the formulas stopped working except when I double click in the cell containing the actual formula. For example, if I enter '2' in each cell, A2 and B2, cell B3 should reflect '4' because there is a formula in cell B3 which totals cells A2 and B2. Only by double clicking on cell B3 will the program actually calculate. I'm totally perplexed and so is my IT contact.

I have a co-worker's file that he is having trouble with. He is using Excel 2000 SP3. When copying a cell with a formula in it of '=D6+C6' and pasting it into the next cell down, it will display the same value in the cell as the calculated value from above, but has the correct formula displayed in the formula bar of '=D7+C7'. Example: A1: 50 A2: 10 B1: 60 B2: 20 A3: Formula: =A1+A2 Displays: 60 Right click A3, Copy, right click B3, paste A3 displays 60 When I click save, it will change the display value to 80.

I am trying this on his workstation and mine. Mine has Office 2010, so I think there might be an issue with the file itself. Also, not just copy and paste. I can also just click the top cell after filling in the formula and then drag the bottom right of the cell downward and it will do the same of filling in the correct formula, but have the incorrect value. I know that I could get him to just click save each time before really looking at the results, but that is just a band aid to the problem. Any ideas how to fix this? Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 Crack - Xtreme. I have a file that became too big due to phantom bloat, unused range saved by Excel and all that kind of reasons.

Thank to previous posts on that board tackling that issue, I was able to find how to proceed to reduce the file back to its normal size. But I did so in a beta file (test file). The real file has become so big (103MB!) that Excel cannot even open it anymore!

The file contains archive info that we do not have anywhere else. Is there anyway then to open the file or to reduce its size without opening it (through magics.)? I just honestly don't know how to retrieve that info before deleting that file. Thank you very much for your help.