Keepseagle Settlement Update

Posted By admin On 28/01/18

Cy Pres Funds COURT OF APPEALS AFFIRMS DISTRICT COURT RULING APPROVING FINAL PLAN FOR DISTRIBUTION OF REMAINING FUNDS PREVAILING CLAIMANTS TO RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL PAYMENT On May 16, 2017 the U. Video Mortal Kombat 3gp Movies. S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit affirmed the district court’s decision approving the plan for distribution of the remaining funds.

That ruling, described in detail below, provided for a payment of $18,500 to each prevailing claimant, along with $2,775 to the IRS on behalf of each claimant. Under the terms of that modification, those payments cannot be made until the appeal is concluded and the District Court’s order affirmed.

Keepseagle Settlement Update

The two objecting plaintiffs asked the Court of Appeals for a rehearing, but on September 20, 2017, the Court denied that request. One of the two objectors has filed a petition asking the Supreme Court to hear the case; the second objector had expressed a plan to file as well, but the deadline has not yet passed. The Supreme Court will likely decide whether or not to allow the further appeal by spring 2018. We regret that we cannot make any payments prior to final resolution of the appeal. The ruling was 2-1 in favor of the hybrid plan. The one dissenting judge argued that the money should be returned to the federal Treasury; no judge voted in favor of the argument made by the two appellants for distributing all of the funds only to the prevailing claimants. Earlier Cy Pres Updates: APPEAL DELAYS SECOND PAYMENT TO PREVAILING CLAIMANTS On June 20, 2016, Keith Mandan filed an appeal of the District Court’s ruling granting modification of the settlement agreement.

That ruling, described in detail below, provided for a payment of $18,500 to each prevailing claimant, along with $2,775 to the IRS on behalf of each claimant. Cnet Pro200 Driver. However, under the terms of that modification, those payments cannot be made until the appeal is concluded and the District Court’s order affirmed.

Parties in the Keepseagle settlement reached an agreement which will provide original claimants a supplemental payment of $18,500 directly and $2,775 paid to the. Aug 16, 2017 RAPID CITY Many people have been waiting hopefully, but the news on Keepseagle isnt good It may well be late 2018 before any of the 380 million remaining. Tisystem Bticino Gratis there.

We hope that the appeal will be ruled on by June 2017. We regret that we cannot make any payments prior to resolution of the appeal. COURT APPROVES PLAN FOR DISTRIBUTION OF REMAINING FUNDS PREVAILING CLAIMANTS TO RECEIVE ADDITIONAL PAYMENT The parties reached an agreement on changes to the existing settlement agreement. The revised proposal, which has now been approved by the Court, provides each prevailing claimant a supplemental payment of $18,500 directly and $2,775 paid to the IRS on their behalf, for a total supplemental award of $21,275, with the balance of the funds being directed to non-profit organizations. After the supplemental awards to the prevailing claimants are paid, most of the remaining unclaimed funds would be placed in a Trust that could disburse the funds over a 20 year period, rather than immediately. Decisions on how to distribute the funds will be made by a board comprised of 14 Native American leaders, rather than by Class Counsel, as the original agreement provided. Recipients of grants from the settlement funds will be expanded from the original settlement agreement to include educational institutions and tribal-sponsored organizations.