Corredor Biologico Pdf

Posted By admin On 26/10/17

The Mesoamerican Biological Corridor (MBC) is a region that consists of Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and some southern states of Mexico. The area acts as a natural from to, which is important for species who use the bridge in. Due to the extensive unique habitat types, Mesoamerica contains somewhere between 7 and 10% of the world’s known species. The corridor was originally proposed in the 1990s to facilitate animal movements along the Americas without interfering with human development and land use, while promoting. Cyberlink Powerdvd Ultra 10.0.1830.51 more. The Mesoamerican Biological Corridor is made of four parts: Core Zones, Buffer Zones, Corridor Zones, and Multiple-Use Zones, each with varying availability for human use. Contents • • • • • • • Background [ ] With the increasing conversion of natural tropical ecosystems to agricultural farms and for other human use, comes growing concern over conservation of local species. Gore Vidal Una Memoria Pdf. Mesoamerica is considered one of many biodiversity hotspots where extinction is a significant threat.

Que Es Un Corredor BiologicoCorredor Biologico Pdf