Vb.net Code For Serial Port

Posted By admin On 09/11/17

Lpn Program San Diego here. Jul 29, 2012 SerialPort Sample in VB.NET (C#) My sample demonstrates the usage of SerialPort class based on my own expereriences. I will show how You can effective use. Free source code and tutorials for Software developers and Architects.. How to Receive data from Serial Port RS232 in VB.NET? Initializes a new instance of the SerialPort class using the specified port. Use this class to control a serial port. ( Shared in Visual Basic).

The order of port names returned from GetPortNames is not specified. Use the GetPortNames method to query the current computer for a list of valid serial port names. For example, you can use this method to determine whether COM1 and COM2 are valid serial ports for the current computer. The port names are obtained from the system registry (for example, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HARDWARE DEVICEMAP SERIALCOMM). Allen Bradley Panelbuilder32 there. If the registry contains stale or otherwise incorrect data then the GetPortNames method will return incorrect data.

Brother.gabriel 17-Jul-12 12:09 17-Jul-12 12:09 Hello! Thanks for the nice project, but I've got a few gripes! This entire project should not used assumed objects!

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If we are making code public, it is much better to define our types, especially if other coders are using option explicit - it saves folks from having to cypher everything before trying it out. For example, I assume that these constants are all integers? Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3 Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000 Const GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000 Also, I get a VS warning for 'buffer' below, saying that the variable is used before it is assigned a value. Indeed, we are doing a ReadFile with a length of 'buffer' - but it has no length defined. Would it be right to add this?: ' buffer = Array.CreateInstance(GetType(Byte), 1)' Public Function Read() As Byte Dim buffer As Byte() Dim rd As Integer = 0 If m_opened = True Then ReadFile(m_handle, buffer, 1, rd, New OVERLAPPED) End If If rd >0 Then Return buffer( 0) Else Return 0 End Function. Elmerjfudd 19-Jul-08 22:16 19-Jul-08 22:16 i'm trying do somthing I think should be varey simple. I don't no any code at all but simply put all I want to do is chose a key on my keyboard when it is pressed it should activate the rts pin 7 of the com port witch would light up a Optocoupler circuit like the one in the link bellow.

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