Treasure Chest Patch Gracia Final

Posted By admin On 13/02/18

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Treasure Chest Patch

Don`t miss it! Some very interresting and usefull game guides and Quests have been added, don`t miss them. Www.Lineage 2Media.Com Gracia Final Korean PTS Patch Notes Lineage 2 The Final Chapter of the Gracia Saga of Lineage 2 unfolds and brings amazing new content. Read below: • 84-grade for new armors.

• Element attribute on Weapons got raised to 300. • Element attribute on Armor got raised to 600. • Changes to Fortress and Castle Dungeons. • Gracia got added west of Gludin.

Player must be 75+ to enter. Can obtain S82/S84 armor and weapon parts here thru quests. There is also a 45 player Instance • Zone incl raid boss. • Air-Ships doing roundtrips to and from Gracia. • Clans Lvl 5+ can have theyr own Air-Ship.

• New Transformation allowing you to fly. Can only be used on Gracia. • Mage Crits in PVP have been reduced from 3x to 2.5x - only affects PVP, not PVE. • Thats it for now - more details will be added if my shedule allows me.

Territory War Clan 1. Maximum Clan Level got raised to 11. Costs 75.00 CRP and the Clan must have at least 170 members. Guard Units can now hold up to 30 members. Following Clan Skills can be learned up to level 3: -todo- Sieges Since Territory Wars are sheduled for saturday all Siege Warfares are re-sheduled to sunday 4pm-6pm and 8pm-10pm. Olympiad • 3-vs-3 • Party must consist of 3 members.

• Only the Partyleader can sign for olympiad. • 3-vs-3 Matches are not class based. • There are no buffs from a NPC available, resurrection skills are disabled. • Normal olympiad rules apply for anything else.

• Reward Changes • Olympiad Points calculation got changed: -todo- • Nobless Gatepasses getting replaced by Olympiad Coins. • Old Nobless Gatepasses can be exchanged to Olypmiad Coins. • New rewards can only be purchased using Olympiad Coins: - Spellbooks for the new lvl 83 Skills - Quick Healing Potions - special Shirt, Earring, Ring, Necklace (the Jewelry items are lasting for 30 days, kinda like shadow items, and come with special stats) • Olympiad Points are earned for defeating the opponent: - non-classed related fight: 30 Olympiad Currency - class based fight: 40 Olympiad Currency - 3-vs-3 fight: 50 Olympiad Currency Other Changes Skills with a reuse delay greater than 30 minutes getting reset on match start. Air-Warfare Takes place in Gracia. • Conditions to participate • Only players lvl 75+ and with the Flight-mode • Tranformation learned can participate. • Only solo charcaters can apply.

Parties are not allowed. • Anyone signed for any other PVP-related content (Olympiad, Fantasy Island, Underground Arena) can not register for Air-Warfare. • Registration • Registraion NPC is at some Vortex Gate on Gracia. • A match last 25minutes and starts when at least 9 players are signed for it. • Players will be put into different teams. • If there are free spots within a match players can join within the first 15minutes. • Victory Conditions • Killing an opponent or destroying they others Team Base • gives your team points.

• The team with the most points wins. Rewards • Winning players receive 5 items (that can are needed for other Gracia related content). • Depending on the final points and participation time players get rewarded with SP. • Leaving a match before its finsihed, will not get you any rewards.

• Players can collect special items (needed for Gracia related content) during a match. These can be used to transform Seeds (yes Gracia related Seeds - IOP anyone?) into some other Gracia related items. PVE ‘Flight-mode’ Transformation Air-Ships Collecting / Aquisition / Gathering Combat System Changes Skills Grade Penalties Penalty Changes Penalties for wearing armor and/or weapons above the players current expierence grade are now depending on the gap between the players current grade and the one of the item. A player with experience D-Grade using a C-Grade weapon will suffer from Penalty Effect level 1, while the same player using a B-Grade weapon will receive Penalty Effect level 2.

Mail The Mail System has been added in order to strengthen the player community and to increase the convenience of item trade. Through the Mail System, messages as well as items can be easily sent to other players. Drafting Contracts Tina Stark Teachers Manual more. There are two types of mail: Regular and Payment Request.