Theskyx Ascom Driver

Posted By admin On 05/02/18

After reading the above I decided to bite the bullet and change mount & camera control platforms from MaximDL to TheSkyX Pro. Although I am still on the front side of the learning curve with TheSkyX, I am happy to report that the native LX800 driver (based on the LX200GPS) in TheSkyX does not suffer from the version-related (1.1g vs. 4.x) issue that prevents the ASCOM LX200GPS driver from loading with the LX850 mount. So far, the TheSkyX is working well with my LX850, although not all functions (like parking) are supported. TheSkyX also supports ASCOM focuser drivers and works just fine with my FeatherTouch focusers. That said, I am now out an additional $550 for new mount and camera control software thanks to Meade's continuing lack of support for their loyal customers.

Perhaps, but that doesn't help those of us who needed it last year; and '.one currently in the works.' Also sounds an awful lot like the posting near the top of this thread by an administrator on March 20, 2013, in which he/she states: 'It is being worked on as we speak.'

The bottom line is it's been more than 450 days since Meade claimed in this thread that they were working on an ASCOM driver for the LX850. Jriver Media Center Plugins. As anyone who understands coding knows, if someone was really working on an ASCOM driver for the LX850 as they have claimed, it would have been completed months ago - it's just not that complicated, particularly given the fact it is probably a superset of the LX200GPS command set!

Theskyx Ascom Driver

It's well past time for Meade to stop with the promises and start delivering! For what it's worth, the driver installed fine on my Windows 8.1 machine and setup, loaded and connected under ASCOM 6.1 and MaximDL 6. For reference, the mount was initially setup and connected in MaximDL after being parked from a previous alignment, i.e., the mount thought it was aligned and was waiting for an object.

Install the ASCOM X2 Plugin To use TheSkyX with the ASCOM driver you must first instal the ASCOM Mount/Telescope X2 plugin: 1. Bring up a browser and navigate to.

Crack Keygen Autocad 2007. The main problems I encountered were that 1) the driver does not know if tracking is on or off (it defaults to thinking it is off) and apparently cannot set tracking one way or the other; and 2) the driver could not figure out the mount type on its own. Unfortunately, the dialogue box asking for the mount type buried itself under the observatory control window and the driver wouldn't move the scope until I finally figured out there was a dialogue window waiting for my input. Once I entered the correct mount type and told the driver not to try to turn on tracking (you must control tracking at the mount), it seemed to control the mount OK, however I was in my garage so I have nothing to go on other than the All Sky map in MaximDL. Because the driver thinks tracking is off, it reports the mount as idle even though it is tracking.

Theskyx First Light