The Blind Maker Pdf

Posted By admin On 27/12/17
Blind Maker Austin

The Blind Watchmaker Author: Richard Dawkins Genre: Science / Scientific Divulgation / Religion & Spirituality Language: English Summary: The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design Twenty years after its original publication, The Blind Watchmaker, framed with a new introduction by the author, is as prescient and timely a book as ever. The watchmaker belongs to the eighteenth-century theologian William Paley, who argued that just as a watch is too complicated and functional to have sprung into existence by accident, so too must all living things, with their far greater complexity, be purposefully designed. Charles Darwin’s brilliant discovery challenged the creationist arguments; but only Richard Dawkins could have written this elegant riposte. Natural selection—the unconscious, automatic, blind, yet essentially nonrandom process Darwin discovered—is the blind watchmaker in nature. Richard Dawkins won both the Royal Society of Literature Award and the Los Angeles Times Literary Prize in 1987 for The Blind Watchmaker. The television film of the book, shown in the Horizon series, won the Sci-Tech Prize for the Best Science Programme of 1987.

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Richard Dawkins is Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University and he is the author of seven books, including The Selfish Gene. This book, The Blind Watchmaker, was originally published in 1987 and was reissued as a new edition in 1996. In it, Dawkins's objective is to counter the current arguments against Darwin's theory of evolution and, specifically, to educate the public in how the theory of evolution by natural selection explains the complexity and beauty of design of living organisms found in the world today.The title of the book and the initial motif is a famous treatise by the eighteenth-century theologian William Paley whose contention is, as is also that of many fundamental Christian groups and the so-called creationists, that the creation of life on planet Earth is the work of an Intelligent Designer. The subtitle of the book is Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design. Dawkins discusses the design and complexity of many objects in nature but concentrates, as Paley did, on the human eye and echolocation by bats. Tekken 3 Game Crack. He explains how gradual evolutionary development in the natural world can easily match the most sophisticated designs of human scientists.

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He then goes on to describe his own computer experiments, where he emulates the process of natural selection, and examines, in detail, the working of genes and their associated DNA coding and replication to explain the mechanism of evolution. Dawkins develops an objective and realistic appraisal of the statistics involved in miracles and the probability of life existing on other planets in the Universe. He shows the reader how to compute the statistical probability that humans are not the only form of intelligent life in the Universe and discusses theories as to how life originated on planet Earth. In the chapter entitled Explosions and Spirals, Dawkins explains in detail how the flamboyant peacock's tail came about through the mechanism of positive feedback, and he expounds on how the various competitive scenarios between different species control the outcome of their evolution. The incomplete fossil record, which is used to trace the evolution of different species, is dealt with in his chapter on Stephen Jay Gould's theory of punctuated equilibrium and leads to an exposition of taxonomy and the classification of all forms of living creatures. He touches on coelacanths and the Loch Ness monster and the difficulty in classification posed by such intermediate species such as archaeopteryx. Finally, in the last chapter, Dawkins examines all the theories of life on earth, theories that can be considered as rivals to the Darwinian theory of evolution by natural selection.