Sybase Sql Anywhere 9

Posted By admin On 03/07/18
Sybase Sql Anywhere 9

By using xp_sendmail with Google's free service. It may still be possible, but apparently not for me. All I get is return code 6 (Secure connection error) after clicking on Send Test Alert Email in Foxhound: Email test result: SMTP start test AutoDrop email failed with return code 6 when sending 'Foxhound Test AutoDrop Email (2017-12-01 09:58:38)'. Secure connection error There are a number of alternatives to Google's free SMTP email server; SendGrid is one of them, here's how to sign up: • Go to. • Click on Try it for free. • Provide a user name and password, a real email address and some other information. • Choose SMTP Relay (you're going to use SendGrid's API via SQL Anywhere's xp_sendmail() procedure).

Sybase Sql Anywhere 9

• Specify a value for API key and receive a big-long-ugly-generated-password in return. • Note the following values (you're going to use port 25): Server Ports 25, 587 (for unencrypted/TLS connections) 465 (for SSL connections) Username apikey Password big-long-ugly-generated-password Here's how to set up Foxhound's Alert Email feature to use the SendGrid SMTP Relay: • Foxhound Options page - 2. Global Email Settings Check Use SMTP to send emails SMTP Sender: SMTP Server: SMTP Port: 25 SMTP Timeout: 60 SMTP Authorization User Name: apikey SMTP Authorization Password: big-long-ugly-generated-password SMTP Certificate Filespec: [leave empty] • Monitor Options page - 7. Has been around for a while, long enough for five patches and a new build. Long enough for a Top 10 listicle about the best new features: 1. Foxhound Is The Book Once upon a time (2004) there was. Then the book got old and the questions started: Q: When are you going to write a book about SQL Anywhere Version 11? Matlab Builder Ne Install.