Qimage Indexed8

Posted By admin On 20/06/18
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I'm trying to create QImage that wrap a existing image buffer that is created by OpenCv I was considering use following constructor to do this. @QImage::QImage ( const uchar * data, int width, int height, int bytesPerLine, Format format )@ so, my code is like @ QImage qimage((const uchar*)iplImage->imageData, iplImage->width, iplImage->height, iplImage->widthStep, QImage::Format_Indexed); // qimage's buffer is now just pointing the 'iplImage->imageData' // without allocating and copying buffer. Qimage.setColorTable(grayScaleColorTable); // color table's item count 256 for grayscale. Photoshop Cs4 Keygen And Brushes Set Up Yahoo Email. // now new image buffer is allocated and copied from original here. @ Ok, no memory copy actually was done at the time of calling this ctor.

I'm trying to create QImage that wrap a existing image buffer that is created by OpenCv I was considering use following constructor to do this. QImage::QImage ( const.

English Subtitles For Friends Season 2. But, here comes my problem. QImage::setColorTables() is non const member function where QImage allocates new image buffer for copying by its internal detach() function. I found there was Qt3 support for this kind of problem where ctor could accept color table as argument in its ctor, but I've not found any such support in >Qt4. How can I create gray scale QImage for existing image buffer?

Thanks for in advance.

Jun 26, 2012 My program always crash when the format of the QImage is QImage::Format_Indexed8 Other format would not crash but QImage::Format_Indexed8. I'm trying to create QImage that wrap a existing image buffer that is created by OpenCv I was considering use following constructor to do this. Gold Miner Vegas Full Version Crack here.