Program Roadmap To Zero Accident

Posted By admin On 14/06/18

Zero Injuries Is Not Your Goal Accidents are simply another kind of defect -- a deviation from the standard of perfection. And, like quality, these defects must be detected and eliminated at the moment they first appear. • By • Jan 01, 2012 It was 1981, and I was in Danville, Va. I followed Tom, the safety director, through a dark, old textile mill, walking on heart-of-pine floors that probably had seen workers come and go for more than a hundred years. The smell of machine oil mixed with the warm smell of cotton. The textile machines hummed away, spinning out yard after yard of fabric.

I watched the workers busily monitoring the machines to keep them running at peak efficiency and noted many of them had T-shirts emblazoned with a slogan: Zero Injuries -- Our Goal. On the walls in every breakroom, the same 'Zero Injuries' slogan was repeated on posters, coffee mugs, you name it. How To Install Lftp Centos Commands. I was impressed by the passion in this culture to reach zero injuries, so I asked Tom about his plant's safety record. Pangsapuri Vista Subang.

'Well, Bill, I'll be honest. We've made huge gains in safety over the last five years, but now it seems that reaching zero is impossible,' he admitted. 'The closer we get to zero, the harder it becomes to show improvement.

Roadmap To Zero

We've started to plateau or 'flat line,' and my concern is that we'll do a 'hockey stick' and trend back up.' With some 1,500 employees, Tom's plant routinely celebrated million-hour milestones, fed people steak dinners, and the like. But it still had a steady stream of injuries that wouldn't go away. Tom's problem was like that of many other cultures: They have chased the goal of Zero Injuries year after year, only to find it to be more elusive than the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. At that moment, I looked Tom dead in the eye and told him part of his problem was that he was chasing the wrong goal. I told Tom what I've told thousands of safety leaders around the world for more than 30 years: Zero injuries is not your goal.

Program Roadmap To Zero Accident

Why would you want a safety program that is. Road map to safety ppt. Low WSIB costs? Zero Lost Time Injuries? The program has its own detailed roadmap for roles and responsibilities as well as. Elements of the Chemsteel “Zero Accident” Safety Program. Innovation = Roadmap to. Jun 29, 2015 dari kasus tersebut pemerintah khususnya kementrian perhubungan membuat program “Road Map To Zero Accident” dengan misi utama untuk memperbaiki citra. Here’s your roadmap to zero incidents. ANSI/ASSE Z359.2- 2017 Minimum Requirements for a Comprehensive Managed Fall Protection Program.

What did you say, Bill?' If you're thinking this, it's completely normal. Usually I get a degree of 'shock and awe' when I say this to audiences. They're not quite sure I'm in my right mind. But I am completely serious. Zero injuries should not be your goal.