Paste Special Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object In Word

Posted By admin On 19/05/18

Link or embed data in Office for Mac. Click Paste Special. In the As box, click the type of object, for example, Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object.

Microsoft Excel Paste Special ShortcutMicrosoft Excel Worksheet Templates

I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out exactly where the problem is. Is the complaint that the embedded chart object in the Word document doesn't have a good preview? If that is the case, the reason is that the little preview is supposed to just let you know there is a chart object embedded and that you should double-click (or right-click) on the little preview and then open the full chart in Excel. It's not supposed to be a full, true preview of the linked chart object. ][ MVPs are volunteers who don't work for Microsoft. MVP program info is here: Omron Hem 742int Manual.

Truly sorry, but it's difficult to provide helpful information when the questioner fails to respond & provides no explicit details. Not to mention the reference to a version that doesn't exist [there is no 'PC Office 2008', Office 2008 is a Mac version]. If you have a similar issue, please post it as a new question rather than as a Reply to a conversation that died more than 3 years ago. Be sure to specify Office/OS X version update levels as well as a complete & accurate description of the problem. Screen Shots & shared files are also useful. Please mark HELPFUL or ANSWERED as appropriate to keep list as clean as possible ☺ Regards, Bob J.

@Jim Gordon, what do you mean 'preview'? Putting a chart into a Word document is not a 'preview'. If i print the Word document, and give the printout to a client, they do not expect to 'double-click' the printout to view the source Excel chart. It should look good in Word. Word is a document-creation tool-- not a preview window for Excel. If i 'unlink' the Chart from Excel, and then send the Word doc to a colleague, they will not have access to any 'source'. The chart in the Word doc should look great-- it's a native Word object.

Incidentally, this is a Mac-only problem-- I do not have this problem on Windows Word. Hi Johny: What you see in the Word document IS a 'preview' of the chart. The real picture file is not called until you print. If the printout is blurry, that is indeed an issue. That's usually caused by the downgrading that happens in.xls and.doc files. They don't support the modern graphics objects, so the chart is downgraded to a format that the obsolete.xls and.doc formats can store. And that's often blurry.

If that's the cause, there's no good fix, I am afraid. You can try upgrading the.xls to.xlsx, then re-generating the chart, then paste the result into a.docx. To have much hope of success, you would need to do this in Office 2013 or above, which can handle the modern charting format. Sorry to be not much help. John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer.

Patch Need For Speed Carbon Pc In Italiano. Hi Jim • 'Preview' implies that Word is not intended for on-screen reading experience-- that printing is the 'real' Word reading experience. Is that what you're saying?

• I realize the OP is using.xls and.doc, but we are seeing this problem with.xlsx and.docx in Office 2010. But sounds like you're saying the real issue is the Office version, correct? • More symptoms: We also notice that after closing, then re-opening the Word file, the embedded chart suddenly looks sharper (on both Mac and Win). Can you shed any light on that?

Just spent way to long trying to 'paste special' a Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object into a Word 2000 document. The pasted Object was behaving strangely when I tried to format it. The reason turned out to be that the pasted item winds up in the header field of the Word document - no matter what I do. View Header/Footer is not active - it just goes there. Pasting into Word as RFT or unformatted text - it goes into the proper part of the doc - but not the Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object. Can anyone explain why this is happening and how I get it out of the header and onto the body of the document?