Installshield 2012 Serial Number Validation

Posted By admin On 05/03/18

Configuring Validation for a Control on a Wizard Page or Window. InstallShield 2012 Spring. You can ensure that end users enter a serial number in a text box in a. In my ISE project I have a custom DLL action for the serial number validation. This validation function runs after the Customer Information dialog box. The function. Tip: Sample code for a serial number validation.dll file is available in the InstallShield Program Files Folder Samples WindowsInstaller ValidateSerialNumber directory. Speed Metal Slaughter Rar. For more information, see Using a Custom Action for Serial Number Validation. Validate Serial Number for. Next Button to evaluate what the user entered in the Serial Number field. If the validation. InstallShield 2012 Spring.

SdCustomerInformationEx SdCustomerInformationEx InstallShield 2012 Spring » InstallScript Language Reference Project: This information applies to the following project types: • InstallScript • InstallScript MSI The SdCustomerInformationEx function displays a dialog that enables the end user to specify the user name, company name, and serial number for the product being installed. The dialog may also include radio buttons that let the end user specify whether the product should be installed for all users or only the current user. You can specify default values for these fields by specifying the appropriate parameters. If you specify a null string ('), the function uses the appropriate script variable. The Next button becomes enabled only when data exists in all three edit fields. The end user cannot leave any field blank.

Installshield 2012 Serial Number Validation

Note: The SdCustomerInformationEx function does not verify the serial number. To learn how to add code that verifies the serial number, see the sample serial number validation project. This sample project is in one of the Samples subfolders within the InstallShield Program Files folder. The default installation location is C: Program Files InstallShield 2012Spring Samples InstallScript Serial Number Validation Sample Project. Syntax SdCustomerInformationEx ( szTitle, svName, svCompany, svSerial, bvAllUsers ); Parameters SdCustomerInformationEx Parameters Parameter Description szTitle Specifies the title of the dialog. To display the default title ('Customer Information'), pass a null string (') in this parameter. SvName Specifies the default value for the Name edit field when the function is called.

Serial Number For Adobe Acrobat Dc For Mac. If a null string (') is specified, the default value is the current value of the variable. For an InstallScript project, this variable is read from the registry in a first-time installation or the corresponding text substitution in maintenance mode.