Installing Cadence On Ubuntu

Posted By admin On 09/02/18

Enter the top installation directory [/home/USER_NAME/IC61] ->#just press enter Edit the license file or the startup script now? [y] ->#enter Override the defaults? [n] ->#enter Configure license file license.dat? [y] ->#enter Configuring license.dat. Verifying FEATURE lines for daemon cdslmd. Java Runtime Environment (jre) Version 1.5.0_09. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Configure the clients file [y] ->#enter Override the default?

Installing Ubuntu Server

[n] ->#enter Enter the path to the license file from all workstations ->/home/USER_NAME/IC610/share/license/license.dat Edit COMPUTER_NAME boot script? [y] ->#enter. Dear sir, I have installed virtuoso on ubuntu.

Guides information. We have develop the following guide in order to install Cadence software under (unsuported) Ubuntu/Debian systems. Partition Magic Boot Disk Iso Torrent. Guide version: v1.1.

And getting mi this error. And i have tried with your solution given above still i am getting this error please please help me out. Dutch Language Pack Windows 7 Hebrew Fonts there. Error is e request 12 error 3 serial 1749 e Display:0 Error 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)' e request 12 error 3 serial 1750 e Display:0 Error 'BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)' e request 62 error 8 serial 1760 e Display:0 Error 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)' e request 20 error 3 serial 1761 e Display:0 Error 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)' e request 18 error 3 serial 1763 e Display:0 Error 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)' e request 18 error 3 serial 1770 thank you so much.