Install Zenoss On Centos 7 Install

Posted By admin On 05/10/17

Monitoringartist / zenoss5-core-autodeploy. Install Zenoss 5 Core/Resource. Auto-deployment script for Zenoss 5 on CentOS 7.x / Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Diskgenius 3.3 Serial.

How to install Zenoss 5 successfully Two options for Zenoss 5 installation are available. First one is manual installation.


It’s recommended if you want to know more about Zenoss 5. If you haven’t used Docker container concept before, then you may find it too complex or boring when you are installing n-th Zenoss. This was also the reason why I’ve created a second option – Zenoss 5 auto-deploy script. Zenoss 5 auto-deploy script provides an easy option for installation of the free Zenoss 5 version (Zenoss 5 Core); however, the commercial version (Zenoss 5 Resource Manager) is supported as well.

Install Zenoss On Centos 7 Install

Typical cases where I recommend Zenoss 5 auto deplo y script: • You want to test Zenoss 5 only, and you don’t need to know what is under the hood. • You are comfortable with the Zenoss 5 installation, so another installation is only wasting your time. • You are developing Zenpacks, templates, etc., so Zenoss 5 installation/operation is not important for you. You probably haven’t noticed that Zenoss 5 auto-deploy script has also implemented telemetry which reports installation issues and successes.

If you have noticed then I’m happy, because you are one of many who has read the provided README file. Let’s go to check what we can mine from our statistics. Average user needs seven attempts for successful installation. It sounds terrible, but it’ll be obvious when you see what the typical user is doing. Average installation takes 41 minutes.

Keep in mind that it depends mainly on your internet connection speed. Zenoss Core 5.0.8 download Docker images (Zenoss Core, HBase, OpenTSDB, etc.), which have total virtual size of 5.7GB. One piece of advice: Be patient.

Real example of successful Zenoss 5 Core installation in full HD resolution: Don’t do it Zenoss auto-deploy script uses colored highlights. Only one color is important to you, the red one. If you have some red information, then you know that it is a disaster. Maybe you don’t have enough memory, CPUs, or something similar.

Fortunately, the script is not very strict and will tell you what the problem is, and it’ll ask you if you want to continue. This option is there only for Zenoss 5 experts who know what they are doing. Many “experts” ignore red warnings and that is the best way to fail. Typical ignored red warnings: • At least 20GB of memory is recommended Blank Zenoss 5 installation (without any monitored devices) consumes 10GB of memory.

It means that if you have less than 10GB of memory it won’t start your Zenoss 5 even for testing. Maximum used memory from statistic is 125GB. That’s extreme, and it’s not the best solution on how to scale Zenoss 5. You should scale horizontally (more Zenoss machines in your “cluster”) and not vertically (more powerful machines). Recommended memory is 20GB; it is a perfect start for production monitoring. Many people are blaming Zenoss for such a huge memory requirement.