Install Ossec Windows Server 2008

Posted By admin On 13/01/18
Ossec ClientInstall Ossec Windows Server 2008

I had to setup a system running Windows Server 2008 R2 with IIS 7.5 to host my company's web-based timesheet. While it's behind a Cisco ASA 5505 firewall with some IDS, I wanted to go one step further and get alerts of threats as well as some level of response from the server. As usual, I don't have the budget for anything. It took me a week, and lots of searching, to get everything setup, so this guide is partly compiling everything I did, leaving out all the bad/useless info I found and using the good, and some fixing I did. We'll be using OSSEC (a host-based IDS) and OpenVAS (a vulnerability scanner; the open source fork of Nessus). I used an Ubuntu Server 10.04 system for OSSEC, and an Ubuntu 10.04 desktop for OpenVAS.

Dubstep Snare Wav here. Camfrog Pro Ipa Iphone more. In my case, I used two Ubuntu virtual machines - one running Ubuntu Server 10.04 64-bit in the DMZ, and one running 10.04 Desktop 64-bit on the internal LAN. This is because the OSSEC agent needs direct access to the manager, and I did not want to allow traffic from the DMZ to the inside, so I made the server a separate machine. They could be the same machine, although OpenVAS is probably easier with a GUI (which Ubuntu Server lacks). Montblanc Starwalker Serial Number. When Ubuntu is installed, do a 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' to get all updates. OSSEC runs on Linux for the manager, but the client can be Linux or Windows. You'll need a compiler - on Ubuntu I find it easiest to grab the build-essential package: sudo apt-get install build-essential To get OSSEC, go to and download the Linux version for the server (this is also what you need for Linux clients).