File Windows System32 Drivers Mountmgr Sys

Posted By admin On 21/01/18
File Windows System32 Drivers Mountmgr SysFree Windows System32 Drivers

Go to Programs and Features and uninstall everything related to ZoneAlarm. Uninstall SuperAntiSpyware (Not that it’s a problem, but the application is an old version) Uninstall Malwarebytes (Same thing, old version) Uninstall Avast, including using the removal tool in the link below. After all is removed, you can temporarily use Windows Defender/Firewall until we insure no more BSOD.

Windows System 32 Driver Errors. Pirates Stagnettis Revenge Unrated Rapidshare. Partition(1) WINDOWS System32 Drivers ohci1394.sys multi(0. 0)rdisk(0)partition(1) WINDOWS System32 Drivers MountMgr.sys. A computer stops responding because of a deadlock situation in the Mountmgr.sys driver in running Windows 7 or in. Additional file information for Windows 7 and.

Make sure Google Chrome is up to date. Once you complete everything above, use the system as you normally would and see if you get any more BSOD (Test for a few days to be sure). If you do receive another BSOD, please include the dmp file in your next post. If you no longer receive a BSOD, we can look at a few other things that need updating. One last thing for now, press the Windows flag key + R and in the open run field type: perfmon /report (press enter) Once the report is complete, click on File → Save As → Save the html file to your desktop. Compress (zip) the html file on the desktop and attach it in your next post. Note: The below data from the dmp file is only tidbits of info.