Feast Devotional Programs

Posted By admin On 10/04/18

New daily devotionals based on Feasting on the Word series to be published. On which the Daily Feast devotionals are based. Plans & Programs; Board University. Devotional programs prepared for Baha'i Nineteen Day Feasts. The Scriptures are taken only from the Baha'i Holy Writings.

Srila Govinda Maharaj, The Divine Servitor Weekly Programs For more information, please click on the program you are interested in. Sunday Feast Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday First Friday of every month: Community Meeting Saturday Programs and Events at the Seva Ashram Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram offers a variety of programs and events open to the public which provide abundant opportunities for both existing community members and first time visitors to participate in the practice of devotional service bhakti-yoga. Life at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram centers around the full scale daily temple program. Morning, noon and evening devotional programs include arati and kirtan worship accompanied by song and dance. In conjunction, classes are given in the morning and evening upon the revealed scriptures Srimad Bhagavad-Gita and Sri Chaitanya Charitamrta or the teachings of the Spiritual Guides of the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram community, Srila Govinda Maharaj and Srila Sridhar Maharaj. During each program foodstuffs are offered to the Lord and sanctified. Parliament Flashlight Torrent on this page. The Lord's spiritually purifying food remnants or prasadam are served following all the temple programs.

Throughout the week, theme-specific evening devotional programs provide the community with convenient times to gather together in the Ashram to participate in live kirtan, congregational devotional chanting, as well as build friendships and communal bonds which nourish and sustain one's growth in devotional life. Throughout the year, special festivals drawing large-scale community attendance are held to celebrate the appearance and disappearance days of great saintly teachers and incarnations of the Lord Sri Krishna. Opportunities are always available to assist with festival organization, decoration, food preparation and clean-up. Additional ways to engage oneself in the community include public outreach programs, as well as periodic job-specific work days, seasonal group projects, children's services and community fundraising efforts. Sundays Feast. Sripad Sarvabhavana Prabhu speaks weekly on the writings and teachings of Srila Govinda Maharaj, successively studying the numerous publications of compiled lectures by His Divine Grace.

Feast Devotional ProgramsBahai Feast Devotional Program

This class is ideal for all who are interested in understanding the unique spiritual lineage and conception maintained in the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math - not as an abstract philosophy, but as a practicable spiritual lifestyle we can successfully incorporate in our lives. Bozanstvena Komedija Pdf here. The unique mood and conception of Srila Govinda Maharaj is emphasized with practical explanation centering on understanding the the goal of life and the natural process to achieve it.

Thursdays at the Veterans Memorial Building. Sripad Sarvabhavana Prabhu organizes a free public program complete with kirtan (devotional chanting), spiritual discourse and prasadam (spiritual food) in downtown Santa Cruz every Thursday evening in the Veterans Memorial Building (846 Front St.) at 7:30pm.

The program is in open discussion format enabling people to inquire into the ways bhakti-yoga can be applied in their lives and how the guidance of Srila Govinda Maharaj can help them progress in their spiritual lives. Thursdays Ladies Night. On Friday evenings at 6 pm devotees gather on Pacific Ave. In downtown Santa Cruz to participate in the ideal spiritual practice for the modern age, congregational chanting of the holy Names of the Lord. In remembrance of the divine Pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, devotees sing and dance up and down the street sharing their inspiration, as well as printed information, about Krishna consciousness with the general public.

'When all over the world the devotees are chanting and dancing with the holy Name of Sri Krishna and receiving transcendental inspiration with their service-mood, then, by participating in that congregational chanting, we can feel real joyfulness and happiness.' Prior to our weekly Saturday feast devotes gather around 4:30 pm for a congregational chanting procession through downtown San Jose. In remembrance of the divine Pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, devotees sing and dance through the streets enthusiastically participating in the ideal spiritual practice for the modern age (kali-yuga). This weekly event is enlivening for everyone who participates and is also an ideal way to share inspiration and information about Krishna consciousness with the general public. 'When all over the world the devotees are chanting and dancing with the holy Name of Sri Krishna and receiving transcendental inspiration with their service-mood, then, by participating in that congregational chanting, we can feel real joyfulness and happiness.' Every Saturday evening our community gathers to participate in hari-nam-sankirttan and hear from a traveling monk or distinguished community member about the divine message of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His modern representatives. A free multi-course vegetarian feast is served free to all in attendance and everyone has the opportunity to exchange spiritual inspiration and experience with their friends, families and new acquaintances.