101 Contradictions In The Bible Answered Pdf

Posted By admin On 06/12/17
I Chronicles 2 1:1

Mortal Kombat 9 Pc. 101 Contradictions In The Bible Answered Pdf Files. Does the Church Produce the Bible or Does the Bible Produce the Church? Finding Liberty in Silence.

There are no contradictions in the bible There are No Contradictions in the Bible Please do not take these pictures or repost this text onto other websites. You are more than welcome to print this page for personal use, church and bible study and homework. If you have any questions please email me.

Many people say that the Bible cannot be trusted because they believe that it contains contradictions. They ask 'How can an all knowing, perfect God contradict Himself?' The answer is, He can't. And he doesn't.

There are No contradictions in the Bible. Vista 360 Grados 3d Max there. This misunderstanding is due to a lack of study of the scriptures. This page will list a few of the misunderstandings.

And show you that nothing in the Bible contradicts itself. I will be answering many alleged contradictions on this page. I will be adding more as time allows. If you feel as if you know a contradiction please email me with the verse in question, and I will post the answers here (don't worry, I won't post your email address or your last name).

Most people who claim there are contradictions in the bible can not give you any examples There are many people who claim there are contradictions in the bible. But when you ask them for specific examples, they can not give you any. They will tell you that someone else told them there were contradictions, but they don't know of any themselves.

Question: 'If the bible was written by some omniscient 'god' that why does it contradict itself so many times?' 11/11/01 My response: God is omniscient (all knowing).

The bible does not contain any contradictions. Most so called contradictions are cleared up when read in their context. If you know of any please cite specific examples, and I will answer them for you.

Response from Reader: I've heard there are contradictions. I don't feel like pointing them out myself because that would require me to actually read the bible. 11/12/01 Comment on the above: What this person is really saying, is that they don't know of any.

They just believed someone who told them there were. Further correspondence with this person made it clear that they wanted a reason to reject God, and believing there were contradictions made it easier (I am not saying this is the intention of everyone claiming there are contradictions however). Does Genesis 1 contradict Genesis 2? Will the earth last forever or will it be burned up? 'Why does Ecc.

1:4 say that the earth will endure forever and 2 Peter 3:10 say that the it will be burnt up?' ANSWER: In the 'Defenders Study Bible' Henry Morris has added some great footnotes. He says of Ecclesiastes 1:4 that: 'This is one of many biblical affirmations that God created the earth to last forever. Like our mortal bodies, it must be made new again, but once renewed, it will abide forever'. 2 Peter 3:10 says: 'But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therin shall be burned up.' So is this a contradiction? Morris adds: 'The 'day of the Lord' will be terminated at the end of the millennium with the long-awaited renovation of the old earth by fire.